Improving Parent-Teacher Conferences for 2E Learners

Improving Parent-Teacher Conferences for 2E Learners

Suggestions for parents who are concerned their child may be 2E:

  • Build a profile on your own by documenting, even if it isn’t backed up by formal testing.
  • List out strengths and weaknesses.
  • List out the things you feel you have to work harder on than another child.
  • If you think something is going on- dig into some of the online support groups. Get some people around you from the start. Even if it isn’t the exact information for your child.
  • Be really clear on what you don’t think it is as you are doing your research.
  • Check high ability and disability checklists to learn about each.
  • If your child is verbal, then talk to them about it.
  • Ask outside adults, such as music class to see if they notice anything different about your child.
  • If your child had a teacher in the past that you worked with well, circle back to that teacher for advice and to provide them with an update; this could help you better understand your child and can help them better understand future children as well.

Suggestions for Teachers of who are concerned their student may be 2E:

  • Be prepared to acknowledge the upset of the parent—“Let me help you get through this year.”
  • Be prepared to acknowledge that the parents play a big role and it is ok for them to be upset.
  • School teachers need to know that they know the next steps when there is a concern about a possible disability. If as a teacher you aren’t sure what your options are for helping a family, be sure to check with your district.
  • Be really clear with the parents that you know what you are supposed to do next as a professional when they share a concern about a possible learning disability.
  • For parent/teacher conferences: A parent should never walk away from a meeting without some data. Teachers need to document the information from the meeting, so a parent will have a paper trail for an outside referral.