Academic Support
Underachievement can be frustrating, especially for parents. We provide help and support for students and families who are experiencing these difficult and frustrating circumstances. Contact the Academic Achievement Center for more information on academic support if your child is:
…consistently struggling to turn in homework on a regular basis.
…regularly doing much worse on tests than on homework assignments.
…completing homework at home but failing to turn it in at school.
…regularly showing up at home without knowing their homework assignments for the next day.
…coming home without the supplies to do the work that needs done.
…expressing signs of anxiety about testing.
…appearing apathetic or disinterested in school.
The Academic Achievement Center offers an Academic Accountability and Support Program designed to specifically help students experiences some or all of the challenges listed above. This program is a 30 minute commitment one time per week that specifically targets the unique challenges that particular student is facing.