Using powerful assessments, we will walk young adults through a process to identify next steps in their career journey.
Early College Career Package:
This package is appropriate for those individuals who have accrued less than 60 college credits.
Using two of the most powerful and reliable assessments available, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Strong Interest Inventory, “good-fit” career pathways are identified.
Early College Career Package Takeaways:
- “Good-fit” career options will be identified.
- Suggestions to modify your current college coursework and other preparatory options, such as: internships, clubs, volunteer work will be discussed.
Late College or Early Career Package:
This package is appropriate for those individuals who have accrued more than 60 college credits and may be in their first job after college.
Using three powerful and reliable assessments: the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Strong Interest Inventory, and Clifton’s Strengthsfinder, “good-fit” early careers will be identified.
Late College or Early Career Package Takeaways:
- “Good-fit” career matches will be identified, along with the strengths you can use to guide you in your search for your next position.
- Resources will be identified to help you continue with your personal search for your next position.
- If your resume is missing any important activities or skills, these will be identified so that you can work to plug those holes.
If you feel you would benefit from additional support in your search, the following services are available on an hourly consulting fee basis:resume and cover letter refinement, specific job search support to help you identify good matches, and interview preparation.
Can you work with me if I don’t live in your area?
Absolutely! We have been working with young adults all over the United States and abroad for nearly a decade! We would love to work with you and your student through videoconference.
More questions or ready to get started?
Complete the contact form and in the “comments and questions” field, let us know that you are interested in having your student complete the career inventories.